It was an honour to be able to partecipate in this initiative Slanted Publishers We are very pleased to announce the release of a heartfelt project, the importance of which was amplified by the start of the Ukraine war almost exactly a year ago: “Posters Can Help.” With a global call, we invited the design community to contribute with a piece of work and a donation. 434 people from all over the world participated in this project and almost 700 posters were submitted, which resulted in a colorful potpourri of posters, each one a compassionate outreach and act of charity—literally. All the proceeds gained through the submissions have been donated to two selected organizations that we appreciate for their work: @arthelps and @aerzteohnegrenzen. Any profits beyond covering the costs of printing the book will also be donated to those organizations.



Who crashed through their minds in jail waiting for impossible criminals with golden heads and the charm of reality in their hearts who sang sweet blues to Alcatraz, who retired to Mexico to cultivate a habit, or Rocky Mount to tender Buddha or Tangiers to boys or Southern Pacific to the black locomotive or Harvard to Narcissus to Woodlawn to the daisychain or grave, who demanded sanity trials accusing the radio of hypnotism & were left with their insanity & their hands & a hung jury.

Welcome to Messina

Welcome to Messina

“Welcome to Messina” cover for The Messineser: Welcome to Messina con le sue estati, traghetti, pizzi e merletti N.29

Roman hidden secrets

Roman hidden secrets

“Roman hidden secrets” cover for The Roman Dispatch: Come riporta Wikipedia: “La Porta Alchemica, detta anche Porta Magica o Porta Ermetica o Porta dei Cieli, è un monumento edificato tra il 1655 e il 1681 da Massimiliano Savelli Palombara marchese di Pietraforte (1614-1685) nella sua residenza, villa Palombara, sita nella campagna orientale di Roma sul colle Esquilino, più o meno in corrispondenza dell’odierna piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, nei cui giardini oggi è stata collocata. Ma chi erano gli alchimisti e – soprattutto – cosa c’entrano con Roma? Nel sedicesimo numero del The Roman Dispatch, un tuffo nella storia e nei misteri di una Roma nascosta, antica, segreta, alternativa e… magica! Con approfondimenti, mappe, racconti da brivido e interviste agli alchimisti (!!!!) ancora in vita.

Scassinare la realtà di ogni giorno

Scassinare la realtà di ogni giorno

“Scassinare la realtà di ogni giorno” is an illustrated little story created for Friscospeaks #6, a biannual magazine of independent culture created and produced by Edizioni del Frisco e Concretipo Studio.