Chania, Greece.
Byron Street Mills-Millwright Street Leeds, United Kingdom.

Life drawing sketch

Life drawing sketch

Anna Uchiyama life drawing #1
Anna Uchiyama life drawing #2
Anna Uchiyama life drawing #3

Going backwards

Going backwards

Corsa contro il tempo

Corsa contro il tempo

Midnight dip

Midnight dip

Know Thyself thumbnails

Know Thyself thumbnails

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

Know Thyself

Know Thyself

Non voglio scendere dalle scale

Non voglio scendere dalle scale



Sketch published in February 2021 for BAD HANDS ZINE, a collaborative zine celebrating creative mishaps, mistakes and outright failures edited by Big Suze in Glasgow. It was supposed to be the version of a painting called “Gabrielle d’Estreès and One of her Sisters”. How you can see I didn’t completed it as I couldn’t draw the sister and the hands that day.